Customer Lead, Commonwealth Water Partnerships [Australia]

  • Executive Level 1, Ongoing
  • $103,085 - $116,115 per annum, plus an additional 15.4% Superannuation
  • Canberra, ACT

The focus of the Commonwealth Water Partnerships Team is to support the Australian Government's water reform agenda and coordinate the Bureau's partnerships with the Commonwealth water agencies – the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the Murray–Darling Basin Authority. This includes coordinating the administration of the Water Regulations 2008, continuously improving the Bureau's delivery of its water information function and supporting other priorities of partner agencies as required.

The Customer Lead is a strategic leader and communicator who will coordinate customer engagement, provide excellent customer service, and develop initiatives to increase the Bureau's value and impact to the country. They deeply understand customer needs, pain points, and strategic objectives, and coordinate customer services that deploy the Bureau's extensive weather, water and climate capabilities. They are highly self-motivated, agile and team orientated. They also contribute to, and at times lead, administration of the Water Regulations 2008.

The Customer Lead may be assigned specific leadership responsibilities for a particular customer, group of customers, a critical Program function or development of an opportunity. They will develop deep subject matter expertise to support their leadership responsibilities.

Strong written and verbal communication skills are prerequisites for this job. Professional experience in Commonwealth water agencies, state government water agencies, or other water sector organisations and businesses would be highly valued. Experience in public policy; administering regulation; ability to interpret and apply legislation; knowledge of water data standards and data sharing; and project or program management would be highly desirable.

This role is part of a national team, which leverages digital platforms for collaboration, while building trusted relationships on the ground in every Australian state and territory. The position can be performed in any Bureau capital city office with some interstate travel required.

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